Monday, November 01, 2010

Doesn't Anyone Look at Files Anymore??

I've had an ongoing battle with the doctor's office starting last Thursday, when I called to get my prescription for generic clomid called in to the pharmacy. First, I was told Nurse T was home sick, and someone would get back to me. Second phone call (in the middle of walmart's halloween aisles) made me start thinking that we wouldn't be able to pursue anything this cycle because Nurse T was now at home with a sick baby. Whoever I was talking to was saying I'd have to have a consultation (HAD ONE) before the prescription. Next excuse was needing an u/s of my ovaries to make sure they're not hyperstimulated "because that can happen with clomid" (THEY'RE NOT, 'CAUSE I HAVEN'T BEEN ON CLOMID FOR A YEAR).

If only Nurse T would've been there. She knows what's going on. She let me know ASAP when she found out about the in-office ultrasound to make sure it's the right ovary working it's magic so we don't waste money on an IUI if it's the wrong side. She told me to call the first day of my cycle as soon as we were ready to start the process so she could call in the prescription. Come to find out today, since Nurse T also is a member at the credit union I work at, she got "hosed"!! I guess there's a lot of politics going on at the hospital, and she didn't fit into the picture. She seems fine with it. She has a little girl and a 4 month old baby, so she'll stay home with them. I'm NOT fine with it! Selfish, I know:) Mainly because everytime I call, including this afternoon on my lunch break, no one seems to read my chart before spouting off an answer. And the voicemail that was supposed to bring an answer leaves me shaking my head, asking, "does anyone look at the files anymore?" If she would've looked at my chart, she would have realized that we are not only going to do ovulation tests and clomid this month to prep for IUI, but we are doing an ultrasound because I have a blocked tube, and IUI will be pointless if I'm ovulating on the wrong (blocked) side!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

This coupled with in-law drama (insane, I say!) is about to drive me to the looney bin! One of my co-workers, upon my return from lunch and venting about the doctor's office, said, "don't let them get you so stressed, or nothing's going to happen." I know you're right, M. I need to keep calm and collected. Sometimes I wonder if all this stuff happens just to test me or to take my focus off my goals: pregnancy and peace. I would appreciate any prayers you could shoot my way:)

...Deep breath in, deep breath out. Deep breath in, deep breath out...


Courtney said...

Big hugs!!!! That is sooooo frustrating. I can't stand it when stuff like this happens. I can definitely understand why you are feeling like you are about to go crazy! I'm really upset that the good nurse is gone. Keep us updated.

M said...

Prayers being sent up for you Adriane. I've had some similar situations in the past with the PA that worked with my RE and it really taught me that you have to stay educated and fight for yourself when it comes to your healthcare! Good for you for staying on top of it! (((hugs))) p.s. I found your blog through Courtney's. I hope it's okay that I follow:)

Adriane said...

YES! M, I'm glad you want to follow:) I've been following your journey for a long while, though I'm not always great about commenting cuz I don't know what to say... I appreciate both of you girls' input and prayers:)