Thursday, November 25, 2010


Sometimes it easy for me to focus on the things I feel I'm lacking in life, rather than to live a life focused on THANKSGIVING. God is so amazing and has brought so many blessings into my life. Here is just a short list...I'm trying to keep it from becoming a novel...

1)God's son, Jesus, and the plan of salvation. Saving me from an eternal life in hell, and also giving me a full/abundant life, even into eternity. God's continuous work in my life through the Holy Spirit and often in saving me from myself and destruction.

2)Conrad is the best husband I could ever ask for. I remember telling someone after we'd gotten engaged that God gave me even more than I ever wanted/knew I wanted in a future husband. He is truly the love of my life, and brings so much joy and peace and contentment into my life. He also is a great provider for us financially, and works harder than anyone I know to get us closer to a life of financial freedom.

3)My family is a huge strength in my life. Their support, unconditional love, and faith in God has helped me so much throughout my lifetime, and I value the relationships I have with them. My parents have been faithful to each other for 29 years, and have done well with the parenting thing (just look how great I turned out...and my sister too, of course). Speaking of my sister...she is my best friend. She knows the good, the bad, and the ugly, and loves me anyway. Plus, she laughs at my jokes.

4)I don't know that anyone has as good of friends as I do. I may be biased. And I hope you all have AMAZING people in your life like me, but I just feel super blessed in this area of my life. I would do anything for my friends, and I know they'd do anything for me. You are all fabulous!!!

5)I have a beautiful home (okay, so we're slowly updating it from the 80s wallpaper, etc., but the potential is there...), that's nice and cozy. I love to entertain and the only thing that's a minor inconvenience is that we kinda live in the boonies:)

6)I have every provision that I need, and then some (A LOT). God has been so gracious to provide for us. We have plenty of food, hot running water, clothes, vehicles, our kitties Jack and Gracie:), etc., etc. It's amazing how much I take for granted.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you all, and may we all find lots to be thankful for every day!!!

P.S. On a somber note...I would like to ask that you would say a quick prayer for a guy I know from working at the credit union. I just found out a few minutes ago that his wife died sometime last night/early morning from hypothermia after her car ran off the road. He just buried his mom very unexpectedly 2 months ago. He is one of the nicest guys, and has two kids to care for as well as himself in this time of grieving. He's a close friend of a few of my co-workers, and my heart is breaking for everyone involved. Part of living in a small town is knowing everyone and their business, and to be honest, I like that because I know how to pray. Thanks:)

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