Saturday, November 13, 2010

2 Days Post-IUI

My second IUI of this cycle was 2 days ago, and I'm still in pain! Just wondering from you out there who have done IUI if this is normal?? I *googled* it, and found differing responses...I guess everyone's body is different. I feel lazy but the thought of lifting, or mowing up leaves, etc., makes me cringe. Mainly it's a crampy, gassy belly, and my ovaries are tender. I haven't had any of the crazy, "life-threatening" symptoms I read about, so that's good. I have a follow-up from the clomid on Tuesday, so I'm praying the pain is not a matter of cysts, but simply the invasive nature of the whole thing.

Laughing even hurts:( This is not good, especially since Conrad has been his witty self these last few days as he's been getting more rested as farm work is easing up. I love spending time with my man!!


M said...

(((hugs))) I did 4 cycles of iui's and they didn't hurt really. Maybe a little cramping after the procedure for a few hours. Hope you feel better soon!

emily said...

The symptoms you're describing sound like the same symptoms I had while taking Clomid, obviously minus the IUI for me, so it could be just the Clomid side effects you're experiencing.

Bobbinoggin said...

try to rest and take it easy. your body is going through a lot as you try to conceive. just be. as hard as that probably is with any amount of things you need to get done. take naps. read books. watch movies.

maybe a hot water bottle for the abdomen? or a rice sock?

love you lots.