Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blogworld, We have a Positive

Well, I got my positive [ovulation] test this morning. At least, the first one I took was positive. Then me, being the indecisive/second-guessing type of person I am decided I better let the bladder fill and take another one...not my best idea ever, because the second one was not nearly as prominent. Conrad and I prayed for wisdom about what to do because I certainly don't want to "waste" the IUIs if it's the wrong time. I called the clinic and after asking some questions, felt great about going in today. I told Conrad "God answered our prayers for a positive test before Friday, and even Thursday!" It totally had to be God, because I've never had a positive test before day 17 before, and here we are on day 14:)

Let me interject something here: I work with THE greatest group of ladies one could hope for...we were one person short today, and with me leaving for 3.25 hours, it left only two people in the branch. I prayed it would be a quiet day, and it was. One girl took an early lunch (10:30!) and grabbed leftovers for her and my manager to eat so I could leave at 11:30. They are committed to me becoming pregnant!! They are so positive and supportive.

At noon, I had my ultrasound. The tech looked at the left ovary first, and there was a mature follicle (follie in the I/F blogging world...). The left ovary is the poor one that doesn't get much action because of the blocked tube. As she moved her little wand around, lo and behold, there was a nice, big follie in my right ovary! She was excited, and so were we. The one on the right measured bigger than the one on the left. I was a little worried at first and asked the tech "if the follie was still showing in my ovary, then I haven't ovulated? Should I do IUI today?" She was definitely for it, saying that it would probably be released later today. So now we head down the hall. From here, I didn't really know what to expect. The procedure itself went fairly well (uneventful), and I just had some brief discomfort during it. I though it was a piece of cake compared to the HSG I had in April. Little did I know, that the next 20 minutes of standing on my head (j/k...just laid there:)...) would be torture. My body was cramping and pulsating and I was sweating like crazy! I tried to distract myself by reading the current issue of People, but no amount of celeb gossip could distract me from what was going on. Conrad felt helpless, but I'm glad he was in there with me. As soon as I got up to get ready to go, I got light-headed and quesy. After a few dry heaves in the garbage can, I ran to the bathroom, leaving Conrad wide-eyed and maybe a bit shocked?! The rest of the day has been painful, but it's eased up quite a bit. Luckily, I got to sit at work a lot today since we were so slow. The girls said I could go home, but there was no need to go home and mope about my pain (although, a nap would've felt nice!). All I wanted to do after work was to take a hot bath to soothe my aching body, but I *googled* "bath and IUI" and found that it may not be the best idea. I opted for warm comfy clothes and a night of cuddling in front of the boob tube with my man.

So, here's to a positive ovulation test, a nice big follie on the right side, 1000mg of ibuprofen before tomorrow's fun, and hopefully a successful round of IUI!


K said...

So exciting to hear you got a positive!! Praying for you!!!

emily said...

HURRRRRRRRRRRRAY!!!!! Let it be, Jesus!

heartincharge said...

This is great! Positive ovulation test! Big follie on the right! Kind coworkers! Thank you Jesus!

Lisa said...

Goodie! All good signs!

Courtney said...

Yay yay!! And yay for the right side! Loved seeing this great news :). Just said a prayer for peace during the 2ww and for conception!

Bobbinoggin said...

praying and praying and praying.

we love you!!!!

Tina said...

Yay! I've been thinking about you all week! God is Good! :)

Andrea said...

Yeah!! You were on my mind last night for some reason and now I know why!