Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Talking to the Doc

I had yesterday off and actually talked to the doctor. Crazy, huh? Long story short, he actually did look over my chart...gasp!...and we have a plan. A concrete plan? No. A tentative plan? Yes. This is the rundown:

1)Finish clomid regimen (2 more pills...can you say headaches and ovary-aches??)
2)Do ovulation tests at home and PRAY that I don't have my positive test on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. I told Conrad that I realize this is not a fertility clinic, but come on now, 3 days in a row off?! I pray my body cooperates. I really don't want to go ahead with IUI on day 20 of my cycle...seems kinda late, but I'm open to it if he thinks it will work.
3)If (WHEN) I get a positive test, I'll call the clinic to let them know so Conrad and I can head up and I can get an ultrasound. If my right ovary is the *one*, we will proceed with the IUI that same day. If it's my left one (with the blocked tube), we won't do IUI this month.

If you have a minute, here's a recap of some specific prayer requests:)
*I have a positive ovulation test on or before next Thursday.
*My right ovary is the star of the show and shoots out that beautiful egg.
*IUI is a success.
*Patience and peace in my mind!!


Lisa said...

You got it! Praying right now!

emily said...

I bet you'll get a positive test before the weekend considering how short your cycles are, I would think. Hurray! This is exciting! Come on Jesus, WE WANT BABIES!

Courtney said...

Praying!! Glad you finally got to talk to the dr and that y'all have a plan!!

Bobbinoggin said...

we are praying for you, love.

Steph said...

It's not me but I got a little emotional for you reading the update. Praying for some success!