Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just Another Peaceful Night in the Country

So, I've always had this picture of "country living" as a peaceful lifestyle. No train noises, sirens blaring, horns honking, etc., etc.

However, since living in the country over the past few years, I've come to realize that there are different sounds that might keep a person from their beauty sleep. It could be the coyotes (we hear at least every other night), the woodpecker (darn spring, he's back again!), or the family of owls that lives in the backyard. I enjoy living in the midst of this wildlife, minus the coyotes, in the daytime. However, at night, when I'm trying to sleep, I swear the hooting owls are taunting me, just because they can. Don't they have something better to do than sit in one place all night and "hoot"? Then morning dawns, and the woodpecker wakes up. Ah...joy. Can't he sleep until at least 8 or 9, rather than wake up with the sun?! The nerve! I sleep with earplugs, but they barely muffle these sounds. Don't let this cute little owl fool you...he is NOT quiet and cuddly when he's living his nocturnal life.

Oh well, I guess I'll take the good with the bad. And I'll pray that someday, I can sleep in spite of the ruckus going on in the backyard.

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