Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Stuffed Peppers

Do you want a dinner that you can make ahead and then smell cooking all day?? Here's one that my mom has made that I have always loved! It's super easy, and healthy too, I would imagine (lean protein, whole grain, and vegetable). I have tried it in the slow-cooker, but didn't like the outcome as much as a kettle on the stove (seemed more mushy). Here's the recipe:

Stuffed Peppers
MIX: 1 lb. ground beef, 1/2 cup barley, 1/2 cup parmasean, 1 egg, 8oz. tomato sauce, and salt and pepper (sometime I just let people add their own as needed).

STUFF: 6 hollowed-out peppers and put in a large kettle.

POUR: A large can (46 oz.) of tomato juice over peppers.

Cover and bring to a boil. After it reaches boiling, turn down to "simmer", put foil over pan, and then the lid. You can peek after 1.5 hours, but it usually takes longer. Today, I let them simmer for about 5 hours, just because we weren't quite ready for dinner yet. You'll know the stuffed peppers are done when the barley is cooked.

**I use red peppers because they're sweeter than green. You do what you like:)

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