Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Domestic Goddess

There must be something about letting all my feelings out of my head and onto world wide web. I did take a walk last night, and Gracie decided to join me. We saw the sunset, and it was so calm outside. Gracie alternated between running ahead of me, walking beside me, and rolling around in the dirt. I'm grateful God gave us pets, mine rock! When I got back, I took a bath. I LOVE baths. I haven't taken one for awhile because it's been too hot. But last night, with the windows open (and after getting soaked when setting up the sprinker) I was cold enough to jump in a hot bath and read. My mom got my sister and I Beth Moore's new book So Long, Insecurity after we all went to the simulcast in April? May? So far, so good. It was very relaxing.

Today, I woke up MOTIVATED! I went on a walk to the mailbox--not hardcore exercise, but swift walking 1.4 miles anyway. I did some yardwork, got stuffed peppers going for dinner, took in a shirt, hemmed some jeans (now I have a new outfit that cost me $3.50 between yard sale and Goodwill!!), mowed the lawn for two hours, took a much-needed shower, started some blog entries, de-cluttered a bit in the office, had a photoshoot with Jack and Gracie, hoed the WHOLE garden (can you say "massage"?!), and set the sprinkler out on the garden. I'm going to sleep good tonight! Oh yeah, on my walk this a.m. I listened to Mercyme, and I read my Bible when I got home...MUCH NEEDED! Thank you, God, for carrying me through the rollercoaster of life. YOU ARE FAITHFUL!


emily said...

That does sound like a great day! I didn't know you were a sewer. Now that I know that you're probably going to get hit up with some repair jobs.....:)

Lisa said...

Yay! Glad you are feeling more motivated! God is good that way! :)

Steph said...

Sounds like an amazing day! I still may ask for your sewing skills on some pillows too :)