Saturday, July 10, 2010

Drama Queens

This morning I am brought back to the drama of some issues surrounding some people in my life. People are saying and doing things I never even dreamed of happening. Why do people play favorites with their kids? Why does the talk of divorce bring out the worst in people? Why do people twist their beliefs to try and justify their current situation (or that of the family "princess")? After an ongoing battle for three years, he has left, and she's coming home to further degrade him to her family, masquerading the trip as a trip home to attend her friend's wedding. He thinks the whole fam damily is against him (because he hasn't heard otherwise), and though I desparately want to send him a FB message saying, "we're not!", I'm in a quandry because it would escalate the entire situation with princess, not to mention others that hold some pieces of our future in their hands (i.e. family business). ARG!

God, I need wisdom, patience, and strength. Help Conrad and I stand up for what's right and speak our piece in love. Thank you that you can restore relationships, even after we (imperfect humans) rip them apart. YOU ARE PEACE.


Steph said...

That makes me sad. I really wish this situation was not turning out the way it is because I (maybe naively) believe it could have been different, with some effort. ggrrr!

Erin said...

oh dear!

emily said...
