Monday, September 13, 2010


I'm not pregnant.

Feeling slightly sarcastic today I guess. After 3 pregnancy announcements on FB today, can you blame me? Thanks to some great prescription drugs, I don't weep every time I get another pregnancy announcement. However, I do get cynical, sarcastic, and wavering in my belief that a miracle is going to happen in my life. I know this isn't of God. He has something great in store, and I do feel like we're getting closer to being parents...most days.

And it's NOT that I am not happy for my friends. Every announcement came from someone in a committed, loving, healthy marriage, and I am excited for them. I know some people in the infertility world block their FB friends that are expecting, just so they don't have to see every baby-related update. Though the updates sting a little, I do like knowing what's going on in my friends' pregnancies, and plan on excitedly sharing my own pregnancy/baby updates someday. I wish I was preggo with you. So, if you are my friend and are preggo, know that I AM happy for you, and I LOVE you and your baby:)

Sorry about the super uncensored post tonight...the end of a looooooooooong Monday may not be the best time to write. Okay, so now I'll go nurse my pain with an ooey-gooey brownie I took from a little ladies' get-together I went to tonight. Is this why I've gained 20 pounds since starting TTC???

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I know the feelings...right now 3 of my best friends are pregnant and/or had their baby within the past week, and 3 of my other pretty good friends are pregnant. 2 of my best friends are due 2 weeks after I would have been due. Awesome. Like you, I AM happy for them, those babies ARE blessings...but it makes me sad at the same time. Another thing that I just don't think you can completely grasp and understand unless you have walked this road...God has a plan, God has a plan, God has a plan...