Sunday, September 12, 2010


It was never on my list of 100 things, or even 1,000 things to do before I die, but Conrad was THRILLED when he heard Foreigner was coming to the EISF this year. Though it's a hard time to break away, Conrad was able to leave the farm for a few hours in order to head to the fair for the concert. Thanks to the rain, we got there earlier than originally thought. Good thing, since we had a funnel cake, tiger ear, curly fries, scone nuggets, etc. to eat before the concert. Don't worry, all the above items were shared between 3 or more people...and boy did they go down well:)

Did I mention that it was raining at the fair that day? Pouring, actually. Luckily, I had my raincoat and enough foresight to wear the boots I usually wear while doing yard work. We had tickets on the track, which meant standing in three inches of mud for the whole concert. It stopped raining ten minutes into the concert, which was very welcome, though the rain added to the experience and gave us stories to tell, like how Andrea lost both soles on her sexy black boots she'd worn.

Do you like Foreigner?? A few songs (that I've heard but didn't know the band that sang them) include; I wanna know what love is....I want you to show me...; I've been waiting...for a girl like walk into my life...; Hot-blooded, check it see...I got a fever of a hundred and three... Oldies but goodies:) Conrad had a blast, and was singing every word to every song. I sang the few lines I knew here and there. It was a great show! I didn't get great pics of the band, though the one with Anjo, Pooh, and me has the band behind us if you look close...What a wet, muddy, fun night!!

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