Thursday, November 30, 2006

mad at God, then not...
so yesterday i got news that some friends of ours had experienced what i would call a tragedy. at first, i though, why, God????? why would you allow this?? then as i was praying for them through my tears, i was reminded that God was also grieving the loss of this precious baby and was heartbroken for the pain it was causing the couple. SATAN is the reason this happened. in a perfect world (before sin) this would not have happened. sometimes i ask God why? because He seems like the one i speak to most after i hear of these sorts of things. sometimes He's an easy scapegoat. i just need to remember that it's not His fault and that i shouldn't blame Him. this may seem elementary to some, but it's sort of an epiphany for a girl who's been asking why? a lot lately...


Steph said...

No more Adriane???

Steph said...

Am I gonna have to get a myspace to talk to you :)