Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Sure. I'd love to attend your baby shower. Is it okay if I bring my therapist?"

So...on FB, I "like" the 999 reasons to laugh at infertility page. It keeps some humor in the midst of lots of heartache. Some are so true, I chuckle to myself because I've done/thought something they mention. Others are off-the-wall (but have some merit), like the one that encouraged the most recent bachelorette to have each guy do a semen analysis before choosing her future husband, weeding out the ones with low count/motility. Others hit a little deeper, depending on how I'm feeling on a particular day. For example, I was talking to Conrad Sunday about the horror of baby showers, and then today's thought on the FB page was about baby showers...apparently I'm not the only one that dreads/avoids them.

One thing I do appreciate about social networking and the internet is that it connects people that otherwise would have to go this journey alone. I can't tell you the relief I've felt over the past year and a half when I've been able to talk about and read about infertility struggles. The first year, I didn't have any of this and can't even begin to explain the loneliness. Thank you, God, for working through technology to connect your children so they can encourage each other.

On a sad note, I just want to ask that you'd pray for my friend Lisa, who after her 4th IUI treatment, got pregnant, and just found out last week (at 14 weeks), that there was no heartbeat. She was scheduled for a D&C today. I can't even begin to imagine the pain of that loss. My prayers are with you, Lisa. Thank you for being such a strong, inspiring person, even through your painful journey.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Adriane, thanks so much for your prayers for me. I can't explain to you how much they mean to us and how much we can feel them is absolutely amazing. God is good even when we don't understand His ways.

And I avoid baby showers like the plague too...you are most definitely NOT alone in that.