Saturday, August 28, 2010

Trip to Boise with the Girls!!

Have I ever mentioned that I have amazing friends?? Well, just in case I haven't, let me say it again, "I HAVE AMAZING FRIENDS!!!!" I went to Boise last weekend to 1)get away, 2)celebrate Steph's bday early, 3)see friends, 4)eat good food (had to throw this in there!). I was surrounded by people I've been friends with for different amounts of time: Andrea, 20+ years; Steph, Erin, Jeannie, Britt, almost 10 years!; Jenny, friendship growing over the past 4 years. We all had a blast. I feel so blessed to have such great friends...friends that I can pick up right where we left off last time we saw each other, like it was yesterday. I hate to brag, but I do have the best friends EVER.

In Boise we laughed a lot, played with Gunther (Erin's great dane, and our host for 2 nights), floated the river in a raft, ate yummy food (besides the grumpy waitress at an upscale "China Bistro"), weathered a monsoon to eat our pizza outside when we were STARVING after our float trip, went to a great church service and saw a handful of people from our Chi Alpha days, walked the botanical gardens (played with allium skeletons, dreamed about landscaping my yard), had great conversations and took fun pictures.

1 comment:

Steph said...

It was a great trip. Funny though, cause I think I have the Best friends! ;)