Saturday, May 07, 2011

Mother's Day Blues

What a mixed bag of mixed emotions I have as Mother's Day nears. It almost feels sacrilegious to say, but it is not my holiday of choice.

YES!! I love my mom, and my grandmas, and my aunts, and my friends' moms, and my friends who are moms. Motherhood is something to be deeply cherished and highly esteemed.

However, this day stirs up so many deep emotions that I can barely stand it. This will be the fourth Mother's Day that I have:
a)hoped to tell my mom and MIL in a fun Mother's Day way that they will soon be grandmas, but there's nothing to say;
b)dreaded church and work because everyone's saying "Happy Mother's Day!", and it doesn't apply to me; and
c)hoped and prayed that maybe next year, I will be a mother.

Thankfully, I'm in the nursery at church tomorrow. Some may think yikes! nursery on Mother's Day? But I like the fact that I can get some baby-lovin' in and avoid the crowds that are in the Mother's Day trance:) j/k:) For the 7+ million people in the U.S. that are struggling with infertility...God help us through tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day...and every day of our journey.


emily said...

praying lots for you. love.

Lauren McKnight said...

Lots of prayers and love to you. People just don't understand how hard mother's day can be on people.