Saturday, January 02, 2010

I Suppose I Should Write Something...

it's been a while, so i should probably jot a little something down on the ol' blog-a-roo. can't believe how time flies, but such is life, i suppose. already a few days in to the new year, and though it doesn't feel different...yet...i and trying to look ahead and FOCUS on the year ahead. i continue to be extremely blessed by family and friends. i don't know what i'd do without them in my life. i probably wouldn't make it too long! i know that God has great things in store for this year and pray that i will earnestly seek HIM. sometimes i get off track, especially when i'm trying to "protect" myself. i have to constantly remind myself that it's not about me!! God, help me to focus on YOU this year and press in to what you're doing in my life and in the lives of those around me.


Nellers said...

Hi, You don't know me or anything, but I hit "next blog" and I came across your blog... Just wanted to let you know I hope everything works out for you with the whole TTC thing. I am having troubles myself and I know how heartbreaking it can be. Just trust in God and allow him to work in your Life. Fellow Blogger, Janelle

Lisa said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog yesterday! I briefly debated posting the song yesterday but I am glad I did!! :) God knows what we need right when we need it. Although it seems to me like I NEED a baby right now apparently I don't or I would have one. You know? "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

Anyway, I have enjoyed reading a little bit of your story and look forward to seeing what God has in store for both of us!