Friday, May 30, 2008

my babies...
the newest additions to our family...gracie and jack!!!

just after we got them-7 wks.

gracie's the little princess...she loves her pedestal:)

jack is more laid back and has less attitude-9 wks.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

i'll take the earrings...
since i got a $10 gift certificate to jcpenney for mother's day in the mail that expired today, i thought i'd head over after fawn's graduation party. i was excited to put my bargain shopping to work and had three separate trips to the dressing room with 5-10 items each time. junior's stuff is too small, especially the place where they expect your boobs to fit. one brand in the young women's doesn't carry my size, or else i would've bought like 5 different shirts. the dresses were way cute but i needed a 2nd opinion and talked myself out of this adorable dress because how often am i really going to wear it? and does it look too maternity (which, sadly enough i don't need yet) with the way the fabric doesn't flow? (i might just go get it anyway tomorrow...and pray the clearance price goes down more...) i was sweating my butt off cuz the dressing rooms were 85 degrees and my hair was all static-y from the shirts coming on and off. i probably lapped the store 3 times, no exaggeration. i ended up buying a pair of earrings.

Monday, May 05, 2008

so before you start diagnosing me...:) i sometimes do this to myself, but then remember that i need to NOT do that because it's not who i am. i just read an email from a close friend and between reading that (at work...naughty) and my own contemplations last night as i talked with conrad, i'm getting more insight. i didn't cry on the way to work today, already better than last monday! i know we all go through rollercoaster emotions and i think a lot of mine lately has to do with longing for a new season in my life--motherhood. everytime it doesn't happen i get all sorts of messed up. i'm no longer content with my job (did i mention i'm writing this at work?) and in my mind i think, wouldn't it just be more simple to quit because i'm pregnant rather than explain burnout to my boss, clients, in-laws? and no, this is NOT the reason i want a baby. i'm just ready to NOT be a careerwoman. it's never what i wanted. a former co-worker offered to email me about new jobs he hears about with the state and i was tempted, but that's not what i want. i want to see conrad more and i want to be a mom. God, help me as i deal with the burnout and the waiting!!! and God bless those who read this blog and my rantings and ravings!!!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

in my head...
i have lots of things spinning around in my head. no, i'm not going to write them all down. it may seem as though i do give a lot of info on my blog, maybe more than some, but there are some things that i think that will never be written. thank God for conrad. and thank God for God. i don't always know how to deal with such thoughts. i pray a lot but i struggle with seeing it totally work. which leads me to the message at church today, or at least a small part of what i got out of it. God is allowing this "storm" to build my faith and trust in Him. i know this, but i just want to add that storms suck. i know i'll come out at the other side but i always pray that i'll have the strength to endure the struggle. if i hadn't had a birthday party today i would've stayed at home in bed. i guess God wanted me to get out and go to church, even if i can barely say the words during worship. i know the things that rod shares about God and out of the Bible, but any ideas how to make them a part of me...more than just head knowledge?? i'm sick of crying all the time. i'm sick of beating myself up. i'm sick of not being content and happy. i'm sick of being surface-level. like i asked before...any ideas? i'm beginning to feel like a client and am going back and forth between "publish post" and the delete key...