Friday, December 07, 2007

cadbury eggs at Christmas...
okay, whoever thought of this....genius!!! well, actually, i have mixed feelings about it because although i LOVE cadbury eggs, i am able to have self control to buy a few at Easter time and call it good for the year. i fear they will soon start selling Independence Day cadbury eggs (which i'd have to eat in support of our independence, right?), or Halloween cadburys, etc., etc. i just finished eating one. yum. good way to get your chocolate fix for 5 grams of fat (not exactly sure on the sat. fat or carb. details...). walgreens, i love you for carrying my cadbury eggs!

quickly, before i head to the church for the Firestorm team, i do want to report an AWESOME vacation these past 2 weeks. i was off 13 days straight, starting Thanksgiving. i was with conrad 98% of those 13 days and i love being with him. i'll admit it...i cried on wednesday a.m. when i had to leave for work. i can't help myself. i didn't want to leave. i desire to be a housewife so bad, and to help on the farm. most of the women at the CHS New Leader's Institute farm with their husbands, and that's what i wanna do...nothing crazy, mind you! i can't wait for the day when i can stay close to home and see him more often throughout the week. i am so blessed that God gave me an amazing man and one that i fall more in love with daily. hope to see some more posts from you all soon (and i need to post more!!!)... it seems as though we've hit a lull:)


Steph said...

Cadbury eggs should only be allowed once a year.

Bobbinoggin said...

in canada, they make cadbury chocolate BARS!!!!!!!!!! and in all different kinds! one has mint, one has hazelnut... the canadians know what's good, let me tell ya.

my favorite was rolo's chocolate milk with caramel. oh my YUM!!! and they make THAT icecream too...

Fawn said...

hello my cadbury loving friend! we need to enjoy a cadbury egg together, sometime soon...i am free of school now so let's hang out and eat cadbury eggs!!!!!!!!!!

Andrea said...

I had such a good time at Christmas! So glad we got to see each other so much while I was home. Oh-and thanks for being such an enabler with that Sierra's coupon. Definitely couldn't live without more scrappin' stuff. :) :)