Friday, November 16, 2007

12 week challenge comes to an end...
i got weighed in today. the results were better than i expected, and the personal trainer was very impressed and said i was definitely in the running for one of the prizes (i wish i'd know soon, but won't until after thanksgiving...). here is how things came out:
lost 12 inches, 9.06 lbs. of fat, 4.9% bodyfat
gained .46 lbs. lean mass (muscle), health, satisfaction

all of my early mornings and grunting through spinning, pilates, etc. paid off!! the pt said that typically people lose .25 lb. of lean mass per 1 lb. of fat loss, so i must've done something right to actually gain lean mass. needless to say, i was happy when i went into work and now i just need to continue so i don't gain "holiday weight" :) i will let you know if i win one of the prizes, keep you fingers crossed:)

1 comment:

Bobbinoggin said...

yaye for you! that's totally awesome adriane. you ROCK.