Wednesday, April 04, 2007

to foreign cars and being short...
well, yesterday, i was cursing both of these things. first of all, we brought our passat in for a wheelbearing to be put on and (what i thought was going to be) a simple fix. long story short, hundreds of dollars needed to fix problem. yes, we're getting a second opinion and my internet-loving dad is going to look for parts elsewhere. but, for now, i'm thinking our next car will NOT be german-made. how 'bout a reliable camry, an acura, or something else more common and cheaper to fix? definitely. about being short...5 minutes after i paid for the first installment of car fixing (wheelbearing costing $140 in LABOR!), i went to pick up my bridesmaid dress from getting shortened because my legs are stubs, and the cashier said, "okay, that'll be $45.25. i thought that surely i didn't hear her right! oh, but i did. no mistake here, ladies and gentlemen, short people pay more for things because we always have to get them shortened so we don't look like we're playing dress-up. not only did she have to shorten the outer fabric, no, she had to shorten the toulle (sp?) underthing too. some days i wish i was a little bit taller. even an inch or two would do.

1 comment:

Fawn said...

sorry dude...when i read your line "i wish i was a little bit taller" i laughed and thought about you singing that song. you know which one right?