Thursday, December 30, 2010

Here I Go Again...

It's been awhile, I know. Every once in a while, I'd think I should blog about _________________________ but nothing ever transpired. I think I may have taken an unplanned break because I feel like it's always the same old stuff that I talk about on here. Sometimes it feels so therapeutic to talk openly about our infertility issues, other times I feel like a whiner. So now that the explanation for my absense is done, now I can get back on the blogging bandwagon:)

I have been checking everyone's blogs...I'm glad not everyone took a break!! It was great to read my friends' goingsons during the holidays with their families. It was also therapeutic to keep up on reading the blogs of women who are also dealing with infertility during this holiday season. I am inspired by the positivity and vulnerability that I read on each blog, and I am encouraged to dig deeper into God and what I'm supposed to be learning during this time in my life. Even though it's a hard time, I 1)know that life could be way harder, and 2)know I can't change my situation, but can change how I face it.

Something else I need to work on is how I deal with bad choices that people make, whether I'm close to the person or not. It may be someone getting a divorce, dealing poorly with life in general, etc. I finished reading The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs a few days ago. A quote stood out to me that spoke to how much I can let my mind go when thinking about choices/actions that people I care about make. I need to put it on my mirror!! It came as Gran was talking to highschool friends that are rekindling their friendship after deceit and years apart, as well as lots of heartache in each womans' life.
"People sometimes don't do the right thing...So then you're left deciding how you are going to react to what they offer. Because you can't make them change."

1 comment:

Steph said...

Good quote.