Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fairly Boring....

I haven't written for a little while, mostly because I have nothing to write:) We have decided to wait for doing any fertility treatments, mostly because we don't have the money (nevermind the 16 year olds--or the aliens--that are fertile myrtles and have multiple children for free.......that's another post for another day, or not). I'm still praying, and I think I actually feel at peace right now. I was talking to a friend this week and was saying that I don't know if it's peace or disillusioned, bitter complacency. I will say that it's peace. Peace says that I am hopeful (I am), and that I trust God (I do), even in the midst of the questioning.

I have found myself lacking peace in some other areas. I wake up at night and can't fall back asleep because my mind is racing thinking about all the people getting divorced. CRAZY stuff! I hate divorce, and it breaks my heart. I can't even imagine how it affects the heart of God. I will have to say that some (2 of the 10 I know of right now) are warranted. No one should have to stay in a marriage where they are being physically, emotionally, mentally, and/or sexually abused. But as far as the petty, every-day annoyances that come with living with another imperfect human being-----divorce is NOT the answer! GRRR. K, that's that.

I am trying to clean like crazy this week because I'm having an ugly dress party on Friday night. The idea came to me during one of my weekly stops at Goodwill. So many ugly dresses screaming for one more chance! I will definitely post some pictures. Speaking of cleaning, I better get going so I can use Conrad while he's off today to do some yardwork. I love Sundays when we can work together in the yard and around the house. I love my man:)


Steph said...
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Bobbinoggin said...

divorce rips the heart of one who experiences the joining of two halves to make a whole. i never looked at divorce the way i do now, as a wife.