Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The Dam Race...Minidoka Dam, ID

This was my first 5K of the year, and I have to say that it went better than it should have considering I've exercised 6 days out of the last 3 months! Andrea was my positive self-talker, saying "you're awesome", "we're awesome", "we're runners", etc. It is such an exhilarating feeling to finish a goal of wogging 5K. After the first mile, I was thinking I might die. It didn't help that we were jogging into the 50mph winds, I had a bad cold, and my legs were in shock. But, nonetheless, I FINISHED. Our time was 35:52 minutes(about 11:45 min. miles). Not amazing by any means, but it was my best time out of the 4 5Ks I've participated in. Because it was so cold and windy, Andrea and I actually wore the hoods of our hoodie sweatshirts. At the starting line, she leaned over and asked, in all seriousness, "Do I look like the unibomber?" Let's just say we weren't going to win any fashion awards, but it didn't matter at that point, we were all about survival! Steph did the 10K run and made me a proud friend! Her training paid off and she rocked the 10K with endurance and grace!! I never thought I'd like to "pay to run", but these races are great hang-out time, as well as self-esteem boosters. And, it's actually a healthy activity to do with friends (as opposed to my other favorites--eating good food, watching movies, eating desserts, etc.).

1 comment:

Steph said...

Who says we can't hang out eating food even with the new running "hobby"!! I'm may start calling you and Andrea the amazing 5K unibombers