Monday, August 13, 2007

pumpkin seeds and spinning... an overshare*
just a few deep thoughts while i try and decide if i'm going to brave winco before heading back home tonight. i just ate some barbequed pork tenderloin with my daddio. yummy! he's good at grillin'!! but back to my title...
pumpkin seeds are yummy and they are a snack with some nutritional benefits. imagine that, me liking something with nutritional benefits. anyway... today i forgot to get a protein bar out of my stash at work before leaving and so all i had to eat before spinning was 2 apple slices and some pumpkin seeds. sounds yummy, right? yeah, yummy going down. but we all know pumpkin seeds don't exactly go down smoothly due to the shell part. this becomes a problem when you're working your butt off on the bike and start getting a little nauseous (ummm...i can't spell tonight...) and they start working themselves back up your throat for the next hour. i know this may be an overshare, but please take it as more of a warning. do NOT eat pumpkin seeds before a hard workout!!
spinning is not normal. i've been trying to do it because it makes me work hard and i'm not getting any smaller. everytime i go, i leave soaked in sweat, mouth feeling like the sahara, and spend the next few days with a sore undercarriage, if you will. others have told me the latter of the side effects will decrease the more i do it. um, nope. and the fact that spinning makes me work so hard...good for my heart, but every other system in my body hates me! i try and act natural, like it's no biggie keeping up with the instructor who's 35 weeks pregnant. but inside i'm thinking how did i get myself into this? but then i'm there again. maybe there is some sort of addictive behavior involved (though people who've told me spinning was addicting i used to classify as 'mentally ill'). who knows? anyway, here are my deep thoughts of the day. and about the overshare...i warned you:) and, it could've been worse:)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

heh heh you'll be poopin like a mad woman tonight. if that isn't a diet, i don't know what is. :)