Monday, August 27, 2007

the 1st day of my 12-week challenge...
so i've almost comleted my first 24 hours of eating well and i went to a spinning class tonight. 1 day down, 11 weeks and 6 days to go. our gym is having this 12 week challenge where they take before/after measurements and then give 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes for losing the most (most % body fat, weight, inches...all compared to your before, not the 500 lb guy who's in the contest also). 1st prize = $1,000 plus a bunch of other stuff. i want to win. not only because i would like the money (second and third have cash prizes as well), but because i want to get in shape. according to their chart, i'm borderline overweight and my body fat percentage is high. boo. i know i eat like crap sometimes. and i probably will have a challenge when pooh and i go to seattle for a week--vacation's a killer! but i want to be in better health. the health dept. gave me a fibrocystic breast diet after my scare and it's basically low fat, high fiber, low sugar, no caffeine. this should be motivation. so should wanting to fit into my clothes. i'm down to 2 pairs of pants and 4 shirts for work...not good. i want to be ready for a healthy pregnancy. i want to have healthy organs. i want to live a long time!!! all these positive, healthy reasons...vanity maybe only taking up 2% of my desire, which is different from in the past when i've wanted to (and accomplished) losing weight. i cried last night when i was talking to conrad about it because i hate the feeling of starting another "program" and giving up on it. i don't want it to be like that. he prayed the sweetest prayer over me, i love that man!!! so, for all of you out there that i enjoy eating with, and you all know who you are:)... don't let me eat crappy food when i'm with you. force carrots down my throat if you have to! i'm kidding, kind of. my sister and i are really bad for each other, and she's going to eat better with me and start exercising more too. God help us both!


Steph said...


Andrea said...

We will try to eat healthy while you are here!! I know what you mean about sisters being bad for each other in eating bad food! We are in the same boat and are trying to make better decisions too. My latest thing is getting over my sobe no fear sugar free energy drink every afternoon. BAD! :) And John and I are going to start going to the gym before work. So guess I'll be going to bed at nine now! LOL. It really is amazing how much better you feel when you are eating healthy and exercising and drinking water and all that. I love it when I feel like that. Anyways, this is a really long comment, but yes we can def go to Pike's Place!! Make a list of everything you want to see and do and we will make a plan when you get here! :) Two weeks!

Andrea said...

Hey Adriane. I had to show Amanda your post about your new diet. We read your post again about pumpkin seeds and spinning class. I forget how darn funny you are. It makes me miss you! Can't wait to see you next week, we are cooking up some good plans. Love ya!

Bobbinoggin said...

you go girl! i think your goals are GREAT and the program with this class is amazing. i hope you do well and build confidence in yourself from seeing your goals reach fruition.

love, me.