Tuesday, April 18, 2006

if i would've had a shotgun...
i didn't sleep well on sunday night because the cows were bellerin' ALL NIGHT LONG!!! i seriously wouldn't have been held responsible for any cow deaths occurring that night if i had a shotgun. i went to walmart monday and picked up a 10 pair pack of earplugs.

i had my first friends over this past weekend to warm my new home. it was way fun to have people over, and i'm looking forward to more in the future. we're still finishing up on the details and decorating, etc. but it's coming right along. it's starting to feel like home. conrad and i watched iron jawed angels on sunday. it's soooooo good, i'd highly recommend it. i had heard a lot about it in my women's studies courses and saw it at the library last week so i picked it up. free movie rental, good movie, what more could you want? anyway, it's about the women's suffrage movement and the women who were relentless in getting US the right to vote. it was historically accurate, as far as i could tell, and had great actresses. it's so crazy to me that women have only had the right to vote for less than a hundred years. it's something i think we take for granted. i was thinking during the movie "would i have stood up to society and put myself out there so passionately to fight for this or would i have sat back, complacent, comfortable, content?" it's kinda the same way with telling people about God. people lack passion, it's scary, pushes us out of our comfort zones, and though we can see a wonderful end-result, we (I) sit back complacent, comfortable, content. pretty convicting for me. one of my favorite parts of the movie was when they get sent to a jail and are standing there naked and you see them all from the back and their butts are not perfect, there's big ones, small ones, dimply ones, white ones. basically, thank you to whoever chose the butts for this scene because it doesn't advocate the usual hollywood "perfect" body. and.... butts are funny :)


Bobbinoggin said...

happy house warming! :)

Sara said...

ohhh, poor moo moo cows - don't shoot them. they are so kind to try to sing you a lulaby (sp?) to sleep to.
LOVED THE PLACE! I'm so happy for your house... first step house... next step babies. (But not in my case.)

emily said...

thank you so much for having us to your wonderful home. you have worked so hard, and it looks great in spite of the list of things you have in your head to do! It felt like a home. I liked it.