Thursday, February 08, 2007

Here are some pics from my trip to Grandpa's funeral... I loved him dearly!! A red rose for each grandchild, the beautiful church after the funeral, pretty window, and us going through Grandma's costume jewelry, one of the lighter moments of the trip...


Steph said...

It looks like it's a beautiful church.

Sara said...

Its all so beautiful... what a beautiful family!

Bobbinoggin said...

the church looks absolutely lovely. i'm glad you were able to go. hopefully you'll be able to look back on it and find that it helped you with finding closure.

love you!

Fawn said...

cute family! :) i'm so glad everything went so well. thanks for showing me pictures last night

Andrea said...

Hey girlie, so I decided to start the blogging thing. Thanks for calling for my b-day! You are an awesome friend.